Is it ever a good idea for someone else to write your CV?

While some people can write their own CV to a good standard, others may struggle with a variety of issues. They can include not knowing how to structure the document, not being sure what skills and experience to highlight, and not getting responses from employers. So, “should you pay someone to write your CV?” we hear you ask! We think so – and thankfully, there are experts who can help.  

What is a CV writing service?

A CV writing service works with you to improve your CV, with a view to increasing your chances of securing an interview. There's a range of professional CV writing services available in the UK and they vary by rate, process, and clientele. However, the goal is always the same – to help you to progress your career. 

CV writing services typically offer different packages for each job-hunt need. For example, at TopCV, we have a selection of CV writing plans, starting with an expertly written and keyword-optimised CV, expanding to a cover letter and a LinkedIn profile makeover. 

Typically, each CV writing package includes a certain number of edits and the opportunity to interact with your writer either by phone, email, or both.

There is a misconception that it may be “bad," or cheating, to pay someone to write your CV, but this is untrue. CV writing services are genuine businesses and employ highly skilled professionals. Enlisting the help of experts is the best way to ensure that your CV stands out in a competitive job market and captures employers' attention. 

Why should you pay someone to write your CV?

There are several reasons to invest in a CV writer. Ultimately, paying the experts will result in a polished and professional CV, designed to impress employers and help you to land your next job. These are just a few benefits of using a CV writing service:

Your CV will showcase the right skills and experience

When using a CV writing service, the first stage of the process is usually a web form or virtual consultation to capture details such as your employment history, qualifications, and the types of roles you're looking for. You'll then be assigned to a CV writer who can promote the skills and experience that recruiters are looking for. 

Whether you're starting a CV from scratch, looking to refresh a stale CV, or need assistance writing a CV after a career break, CV writers know how to address all situations on your CV to paint you in the best possible light. 

You'll have a high-quality CV

Professional CV writers have wordsmithing skills, personal branding ability, and a thorough understanding of careers. They know what a quality CV looks like and what it takes to make your application stand out from the crowd. Adept at writing a personal CV that will attract employers, these expert writers know all the formatting tips and tricks, the biggest CV mistakes to avoid, and can write clearly, effectively, and accurately, resulting in a high-quality CV.

You'll have more time to focus on the job hunt

While writing your CV may seem like a simple task, it requires a lot of research, thought, and time to get right. If you don't feel confident producing your own CV, then paying someone to write your CV will take the weight off your shoulders and allow you more time and headspace to focus on other parts of the job search process that only you can do, such as finding vacancies.

You can access their hiring expertise

CV writers have their finger on the pulse of the recruitment sector. They know what recruiters like (and, just as importantly, what they don't like), they know which skills are in demand, and they know the latest CV trends. Not only that, they'll have gained valuable insight into hiring, the workplace, specific industries, and the latest technology. All things considered, they're a great person to have by your side as you embark on a job hunt!

Your CV will be read accurately by ATS software

Many companies sift through thousands of job applications every day. To ease the load, businesses often use ATS software at the first screening stage; this software is designed to scan CVs and rank candidates in order of suitability. The catch? You need an ATS-friendly CV to ensure the software can read your document. Thankfully, CV writers know how to craft a CV the right way, so that the document is read accurately by this technology.

How to choose a professional CV writer

Hopefully now you're in a position to say, “I'm ready to get my CV written.” Google is your best friend and if you're looking to pay someone to write your CV, a quick search for "CV writer" or "CV writing services" will bring up a list of viable results, including large CV writing companies, self-employed CV writers, and articles aggregating the best of the best.

Scan the websites for packages, price points, expertise, and reviews, to get a feel for which option is best for you. 

Expert tip: If you have any questions about the service, don't hesitate to reach out and make contact. A professional CV writing service will always be willing to take the time to respond. 

What to look for in a CV writer

As with every other online service, there's a huge range of CV writers to choose from – and not all of them can provide the results you deserve! Use our checklist to ensure the service you use is worth the investment.

  • Experience: How long has the writer or company been specialising in writing CVs? 

  • Results: Do they have testimonials and positive feedback on review sites?

  • Qualifications: Is an independent writer a member of the British Association of CV Writers, or does the company you're using employ writers with relevant qualifications?

  • Turnaround time: Can the CV be produced in the timeframe you need it? Is there an additional express fee if you need it sooner?

  • Communication: Whether you prefer phone, email, or online communications, can your chosen service accommodate that?

  • Online presence: Does the independent writer or company have a credible website, with a registered address?

  • Personal approach: Is your CV written by a human, or created using AI or generic templates?

How much should you pay someone to write your CV?

The cost of professional CV writing varies hugely. Bargain basement prices will rarely offer the quality you're looking for; equally, a CV costing thousands of pounds will rarely be better than one costing a bit less. We recommend choosing a mid-range service to balance affordability and quality. 

How much does it cost to get a CV written?

A TopCV expert will write a CV for you from as little as £99, with the option to add additional services on top. Of course you can find cheaper, and more expensive, services but we believe that our prices are fair. You'll be able to work one-to-one with an experienced CV writer and you're able to request revisions if the draft needs tweaking. 

Red flags: what to avoid when paying someone to write your CV

Now that you know what you're looking for and what you should expect to pay a CV writer, what red flags should you avoid? Be wary of the following should you decide to pay someone to write your CV:

  • Very low prices: This could be an indicator that your writer is inexperienced, that they are using AI to write your CV, or that they won't spend the time needed to produce first-rate documents.

  • Outsourced writers: Some CV writing companies outsource the writing process – often to non-native English speakers – in order to cut costs.

  • Sharing examples: You may want to see examples of their previous work, but few decent services will send them. If they do, ensure they're anonymised examples – breaching GDPR and sharing client data is a huge red flag that the company isn't professional!

  • No client input: Unless you want your original CV returned to you with very few changes, ensure the company offers the chance to provide additional information about yourself, either via a phone consultation or online form.

Yes, it's worth it

So, should you pay someone to write your CV? When you consider the potential salary increase you can access with a professionally written CV, we're sure you'll agree it's worth investing in the right service. The job market is competitive and writing your CV can be stressful when you're not 100% sure how to craft it in the best way. Enlisting help from a CV writing service may be one of the best career decisions you ever make. 

Ready to invest in your career? Learn more about working with a professional CV writer.

This article was originally written by Laura Slingo and has been updated by Jen David.

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